Saiyedna Yusuf Nooruddin saheb (qr) is seen jalwaa-numaa on Takht-e-Taiyebi and Huzoor-e-'Aali Saiyedna saheb is seated on his right side on the chair. This photo is taken on 8th Sha'baan 1380 AH in Ziyaai Masjid (Badri Mohalla, Vadodara) when Huzoor-e-'Aali (tus) was crowned on the Darajah Mubaarakah (status) of Mazoon-e-Mutlaq. On the right side of Huzoor-e-'Aali (tus) the saheb who is standing is Mukaasir-e-Mutlaq Saiyedi Nazarali Bhaisaheb. Other ashaab are Shahzadah, hudood and saheb-e-naam-o-laqab.
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