"Wallaaho Yad'oo ilaa Daar is-Salaam, Wa yahdi may yashaao ilaa Siraatim Mustaqeem" And Allaah Ta’aala invites you to Daar us-Salaam, the Paradise. He guide whom he wishes to the Straight Path (Walaayat of Maulaana Ali ul-Murtaza (as))
Allaah Ta’aala says in Qur’an-e-Kareem that, “Mumin (believer) is the one who keeps faith in me and my Prophets, in Aakherat (hereafter), offers Namaaz and Zakaat, does jihaad and offers his wealth in the way of Allaah.” Rasoolullaah (saws) says that, “The Sakhi (benevolent person) is the close friend of Allaah.” Maulaana Ali (as) says that, “He who loves me will always help the needy and spend his wealth for others. As he knows only the deeds will remain with him and not his wealth. So he makes his wealth the way to do as much as good deeds he can.”
Imaam uz-Zamaan (as) is the master of nasf (spirit) and maal (wealth) of all his believers. Our nafs and aamaal (deeds) will be ascended towards the Imaam-e-Haqq of our time. So, only with the loyalty and sincerity with the Imaam, the actions of every believer is sound and accepted in the eyes of Allaah Ta’aala. We urge and encourage our beloved kind-hearted brothers to support our noble cause for the betterment of our community and to assist our desiring and deserving people in the varied fields. “Infaaq fi Sabeelillaah”, spending for the Cause of Allaah and His Mission, is the salient attribute of mumineen. Benevolently you give, abundantly you will get.
We are managing a separate bank account (not a charitable trust) at Alavi Co-operative Bank (Wadi Branch) for this purpose and there is total transparency as every transaction is done only by cheque.
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