al-Marjaan - A group headed by Mukaasir Maulaa
20-3-1440 - 3-4-1440/Nov-Dec 2018
Highlights of ‘Umrah Mufradah: With the Du’aa e Khaass of Huzoor e ‘Aali Saiyedna saheb (TUS), Mukaasir Maulaa headed al-Marjaan, the group of 60 mumineen-muminaat:
Madinah al-Munawwarah:
- Salaam and Shahaadat of Rasoolullaah (saws) near Gumbad-e-Khazraa and the same of Ahl ul-Bayt (as), A’immat-e-Taahereen (as) in Jannat ul-Baqee’.
- Nisfillayl and Tahajjud Namaaz near the Mimbar of Rasoolullaah (saws).
- Waseelah Namaaz of Rasoolullaah (saws), Maulaana ‘Ali Ameer ul-Mumineen (as) and Maulaatona Faatemah Zahraa (as) in Jannat ni Kyaari.
- Balaagh in Jannat ni Kyaari.
- Imaamat Namaaz in Masjid e Nabawi with the main focus on Fajr Namaaz.
- Recitation of Surah Yaa-Seen near the gate of Jannat ul-Baqee’.
- Recitation of Faatehah near the Rawzah Mubaarakah of Rasoolullaah (saws).
- Recitation of Faatehah of marhumeen of the entire group in Jannat ul-Baqee’.
- Visit to the site of battle of Ahzaab and Ohad, the place where Zulfiqaar descended for Maulaana ‘Ali (as), the maqbarah of Maulaana Hamzah (as).
- Short bayaan during and after the Namaaz in Masjid e Nabawi and majlis after Maghrib Namaaz in Hotel.
- Tashreeh and explanation of different du’aas of Balaagh and Shahaadat.
- Wadaa’ Du’aa between Rawzah Mohammadiyah and Rawzah Faatimiyah with the Waseelah of ‘Aql e Awwal till Qaa’im ul Qiyaamah.
- Imaamat Namaaz at Masjid e Qubaa on Friday and visit at Masjid-e-Rawhaa, Bi’r e Shifaa and Badr (maidaan, masjid and maqbarah).
Makkah al-Mukaramah:
- Imaamat Namaaz at Masjid e Shajarah (Madinah miqaat), Masjid e Qarn (Taa’if miqaat) and Masjid e Maulaana ‘Abdillaah bin ‘Abbaas (as).
- Imaamat Namaaz of Jomo’ah in Haram and other farz namaaz in Masjid e Haraam.
- Recitation of Surah Yaa-Seen and the du’aas of Laylat ul-Qadr during Tawaaf.
- Nisfillayl and Tahajjud namaaz behind Maqaam e Ibrahim and opposite to Mustajaar.
- Kalaam of naseehat, hikmat and qissah after offering farz namaaz in Haram.
- Recitation of small surahs of Qur’an-e-Kareem by mumineen collectively during the course of Tawaaf.
- Visit to Waadi-e-Udaas, Masjid e ‘Ali and Masjid e Rasool in Taa’if.
- Salaam and Shahaadat of Ahl ul Bayt (as) buried in Jannat ul Mo’allaa.
- Visit to different sites of historic importance around Haram, such as the camping of Abraha army and the mountain of Abi Qubays.
- Visit to ‘Arafah and its main entrance named as ‘Alamayn.
- Du’aa of Wadaa’ opposite to Hajr-e-Aswad and Multazam with the short explanation.
- Imaamat namaaz of Pehli Raat of Rabi’ ul-Aakhar in Haram with the recitation of ‘Aql e Awwal Du’aa (bawiso).
Video of the Du'aa of Wadaa' in front of Baab-e-Ka'bah and Hajr-e-Aswad: |
Gumbad e Khazraa from the mubaarak zameen of Jannat ul Baqee' |
Place of Masjid e Rawhaa |
Bi'r e Rawhaa |
Bi'r e Shifaa |
Place of the Battle of Badr and Masjid |
Maqbarah of the Martyrs of the Battle of Badr |
'Alamayn - The Entrance to Mount 'Arafaat |
Masjid e Nabawi - Gumbad e Khazraa |
Jannat ul Baqee' |
Nisfillayl in Masjid e Haraam |
Pehli Raat Namaaz in Masjid e Haraam |
Imaamat Namaaz in Masjid e Haraam |
Du'aa at Ma'arras behind the Qiblah of Masjid e Shajarah |
Mukaasir Maulaa reciting Faatehah of mumineen-muminaat in Jannat ul Baqee' |
Mukaasir Maulaa offering Balaagh in Jannat ni Kyaari near Rawzah Mohammadiyah |
Mukaasir Maulaa along with the group of mumineen al-Marjaan near Gumbad e Khazraa |
Recitation of Yaa Seen in Jannat ul Baqee' |
Balaagh in Masjid e Nabawi |
Namaaz in Masjid e Qubaa |
Ziyaarat in Jannat ul Baqee' |
Nisfillayl in Masjid e Nabawi |
Du'aa of Masjid e Qubaa |
Zohr-'Asr Namaaz in Masjid e Nabawi |
Du'aa of Wadaa' near Jannat ul Baqee' |
Nisfillayl in Haram e Ka'bah |
Jomo'ah Namaaz in Masjid e Haraam |
Mukaasir Maulaa explaining the Ziyaaraat of Jannat ul Baqee' |
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