'Umrah Mufradah

Highlights of ‘Umrah Mufradah:  With the Du’aa e Khaass of Huzoor e ‘Aali Saiyedna saheb (TUS), Mukaasir Maulaa headed al-Marjaan, the group of 60 mumineen-muminaat:

Madinah al-Munawwarah:

  1. Salaam and Shahaadat of Rasoolullaah (saws) near Gumbad-e-Khazraa and the same of Ahl ul-Bayt (as), A’immat-e-Taahereen (as) in Jannat ul-Baqee’.
  2. Nisfillayl and Tahajjud Namaaz near the Mimbar of Rasoolullaah (saws).
  3. Waseelah Namaaz of Rasoolullaah (saws), Maulaana ‘Ali Ameer ul-Mumineen (as) and Maulaatona Faatemah Zahraa (as) in Jannat ni Kyaari.
  4. Balaagh in Jannat ni Kyaari.
  5. Imaamat Namaaz in Masjid e Nabawi with the main focus on Fajr Namaaz.
  6. Recitation of Surah Yaa-Seen near the gate of Jannat ul-Baqee’.
  7. Recitation of Faatehah near the Rawzah Mubaarakah of Rasoolullaah (saws).
  8. Recitation of Faatehah of marhumeen of the entire group in Jannat ul-Baqee’.
  9. Visit to the site of battle of Ahzaab and Ohad, the place where Zulfiqaar descended for Maulaana ‘Ali (as), the maqbarah of Maulaana Hamzah (as).
  10. Short bayaan during and after the Namaaz in Masjid e Nabawi and majlis after Maghrib Namaaz in Hotel.
  11. Tashreeh and explanation of different du’aas of Balaagh and Shahaadat.
  12. Wadaa’ Du’aa between Rawzah Mohammadiyah and Rawzah Faatimiyah with the Waseelah of ‘Aql e Awwal till Qaa’im ul Qiyaamah.
  13. Imaamat Namaaz at Masjid e Qubaa on Friday and visit at Masjid-e-Rawhaa, Bi’r e Shifaa and Badr (maidaan, masjid and maqbarah).

Makkah al-Mukaramah:

  1. Imaamat Namaaz at Masjid e Shajarah (Madinah miqaat), Masjid e Qarn (Taa’if miqaat) and Masjid e Maulaana ‘Abdillaah bin ‘Abbaas (as).
  2. Imaamat Namaaz of Jomo’ah in Haram and other farz namaaz in Masjid e Haraam.
  3. Recitation of Surah Yaa-Seen and the du’aas of Laylat ul-Qadr during Tawaaf.
  4. Nisfillayl and Tahajjud namaaz behind Maqaam e Ibrahim and opposite to Mustajaar.
  5. Kalaam of naseehat, hikmat and qissah after offering farz namaaz in Haram.
  6. Recitation of small surahs of Qur’an-e-Kareem by mumineen collectively during the course of Tawaaf.
  7. Visit to Waadi-e-Udaas, Masjid e ‘Ali and Masjid e Rasool in Taa’if.
  8. Salaam and Shahaadat of Ahl ul Bayt (as) buried in Jannat ul Mo’allaa.
  9. Visit to different sites of historic importance around Haram, such as the camping of Abraha army and the mountain of Abi Qubays.
  10. Visit to ‘Arafah and its main entrance named as ‘Alamayn.
  11. Du’aa of Wadaa’ opposite to Hajr-e-Aswad and Multazam with the short explanation.
  12. Imaamat namaaz of Pehli Raat of Rabi’ ul-Aakhar in Haram with the recitation of ‘Aql e Awwal Du’aa (bawiso).
  Video of the Du'aa of Wadaa' in front of Baab-e-Ka'bah and Hajr-e-Aswad:
Majlis e Wadaa'  at Daar us Salaam-Vadodara
Gumbad e Khazraa from the mubaarak zameen of Jannat ul Baqee'
Place of Masjid e Rawhaa Bi'r e Rawhaa
Place of Masjid e Rawhaa Bi'r e Rawhaa
Bi'r e Shifaa Place of the Battle of Badr and Masjid
Bi'r e Shifaa Place of the Battle of Badr and Masjid
Maqbarah of the Martyrs of the Battle of Badr
Maqbarah of the Martyrs of the Battle of Badr
'Alamayn - The Entrance to Mount 'Arafaat
'Alamayn - The Entrance to Mount 'Arafaat
Masjid e Nabawi - Gumbad e Khazraa Jannat ul Baqee'
Masjid e Nabawi - Gumbad e Khazraa Jannat ul Baqee'
Nisfillayl in Masjid e Haraam Pehli Raat Namaaz in Masjid e Haraam
Nisfillayl in Masjid e Haraam Pehli Raat Namaaz in Masjid e Haraam
Imaamat Namaaz in Masjid e Haraam
Imaamat Namaaz in Masjid e Haraam
Du'aa at Ma'arras behind the Qiblah of Masjid e Shajarah
Du'aa at Ma'arras behind the Qiblah of Masjid e Shajarah
Mukaasir Maulaa reciting Faatehah of mumineen-muminaat in Jannat ul Baqee' Mukaasir Maulaa offering Balaagh in Jannat ni Kyaari near Rawzah Mohammadiyah Mukaasir Maulaa along with the group of mumineen al-Marjaan near Gumbad e Khazraa
Mukaasir Maulaa reciting Faatehah of mumineen-muminaat in Jannat ul Baqee' Mukaasir Maulaa offering Balaagh in Jannat ni Kyaari near Rawzah Mohammadiyah Mukaasir Maulaa along with the group of mumineen al-Marjaan near Gumbad e Khazraa
Recitation of Yaa Seen in Jannat ul Baqee' Balaagh in Masjid e Nabawi
Recitation of Yaa Seen in Jannat ul Baqee' Balaagh in Masjid e Nabawi
Namaaz in Masjid e Qubaa Ziyaarat in Jannat ul Baqee'
Namaaz in Masjid e Qubaa Ziyaarat in Jannat ul Baqee'
Nisfillayl in Masjid e Nabawi Du'aa of Masjid e Qubaa
Nisfillayl in Masjid e Nabawi Du'aa of Masjid e Qubaa
Zohr-'Asr Namaaz in Masjid e Nabawi Du'aa of Wadaa' near Jannat ul Baqee'
Zohr-'Asr Namaaz in Masjid e Nabawi Du'aa of Wadaa' near Jannat ul Baqee'
Nisfillayl in Haram e Ka'bah Jomo'ah Namaaz in Masjid e Haraam
Nisfillayl in Haram e Ka'bah Jomo'ah Namaaz in Masjid e Haraam
Ka'bah with Baab and the corner of Hajr e Aswad
Mukaasir Maulaa explaining the Ziyaaraat of Jannat ul Baqee'
Mukaasir Maulaa explaining the Ziyaaraat of Jannat ul Baqee'