Sha’baan ul-Kareem 10, 1446
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Saiyedna Shamsuddin Ali bin Ibraheem ash-Shaheed (aq)
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Ad-Da'wat ul-Haadiyat ul-'Alaviyah (A'lallaaho Manaaraha wa Zikraha)
The Official Website of the 45th ad-Da'i al-Mutlaq al-Haqq Haatim ul-Khayraat, Rabee' ul-Barakaat Saiyedna Abu Sa'eed il-Khayr Dr. Haatim Zakiyuddin saheb (tus)

This mubaarak writing is of 37th Da'i ul Mutlaq Saiyedna Shaikhali Shamsuddin saheb AQ presenting the couplet of Qaseedah of Saiyedna Ali saheb AQ composed by 31st Da'i ul Mutlaq Saiyedna Hasan Badruddin saheb AQ in 1075 AH in Ahmedabad.  It means, “O Lord! Protect Da’wat e Alaviyah and its ashaab-people wherever they are in different cities-towns, with the waseelah of Rasoolullaah SAWS, his progeny and his loyal associates who are his most chosen and blessed.”
Alavi Cricket Premier League (ACPL)
Season-3: 2-2025/8-1446
On 1st Sha'baan 1446/30 Jan 2025, Thursday, Shubbaan e Nooraani invited Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS for the inaugural ceremony of Alavi Cricket Premier League-3 at Zenith Gardens. Organizing committee, Sponsors, Team Owners, 8 Team members gave warm welcome to Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS to unveil and showcase different trophies and prizes. Maulaa addressed the strong gathering of 150 young minds and encouraged them to work together to see the slogan in action, "Build Alavi Jamaa'at Again (BAJA)".

  Urs Mubaarak - Death Anniversary - 37th Da'i-e-Mutlaq
Saiyedna Shamsuddin Shaikhali saheb (AQ)
24-7-1446 (Bustaan e Badri, Vadodara)
Amongst 45 Du'aat e Mutlaqeen AQ, Maulaa carries the beautiful reason for distinction that he is connected with the name "Shamsuddin" in three ways.  His father, the 36th Da'i e Mutlaq who appointed Maulaa as his successor bears the name "Shamsuddin", Maulaa himself is "Shamsuddin" and Maulaa appointed his son as his successor, the 38th Da'i e Mutlaq, also with the same name as "Shamsuddin", meaning the Sun of Islaam.


Rajab ul Murajjab & Sha'baan ul Kareem 1446 AH - Issue no. - 184 - 22nd Year
Mishkaat ul-Haadi Newsletter

Main Topics:

1. Seed
2. 12 most important Traditions of Rasoolallah SAWS - Part 20
3. Alavi Principles: Part 34
    50 - Moon-sighting for Fasts and Hajj
4. People of Truth
5. Historic Account of 6th Faatemi Imaam Maulaana Isma'il al-Wafi AS - Part 6
6. Dilly-dallying (postponing)
7. Waterskin carrier
8. Erroneous speech
9. Our Language - Part 4 
10. Isma'ili Jurisprudence: Lawful and Unlawful Acts of Shari'at: Illness Part-15
11. Qasaa'id

Note: You can find previous issues of this Akhbaar on our Website

મિશ્કાતુલ હાદી અખ્બાર - ૧૮૪ 

રજબુલ મુરજજબ અને શાઅબાનુલ કરીમ ૧૪૪૬ હિ.

સાલ ૨૨

૧. બીજ
૨. અલ-અકાઈદુલ અલવીયહ - ૩૪
    અકીદો ૫૦ - રૂઅયતે હિલાલ યાઅની કે ચાંદ જોઈને રોઝા કરવા બાબત.
૩. રસૂલુલ્લાહ બાવાજી ની ૧૨ સુન્નતો: કિસ્ત - ૨૦
૪. આજકાલ
પ. તારીખે ઈસ્માઈલી: છઠ્ઠા ફાતેમી ઈમામ મૌ. ઈસ્માઈલ અલ-વફી (અ.સ.): કિસ્ત ૬
૬. મશ્કીઝાવાલા
૭. મરદાને હક્ક
૮. ઝિયાદહ કલામ
૯. અપની ઝબાન: કિસ્ત ૪
૧૦. શરીઅત નું હલાલ અને હરામ: બીમારી ની ઝિકિર: કિસ્ત ૧૫
૧૧. કસીદાઓ અને અશ્આાર

નોંધ: અપની કૌમી વેબસાઇટ ઉપર આ અખ્બાર ના પાછલાં અંકો ને ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકાય છે.

The Bottom-line has a special feature for Knowledge.  Its acquisition, its importance, its etiquettes


Da'wat-e-Haadiyah Publications
Ahaadees e Bani Isra'eel
(The Book of 55 Stories based on Sincere Advices)

Story - 2: O Servants of Allaah! Embrace Religiousness-piety and Leave Worldly Men. (p. 2-3-4)
Story - 3: Sometime Sins become a cause of Goodness and sometime Disease becomes the cause of Health. (p. 4-5)

  • “O Worshipper! Because your body had strength of food you were drawn towards the woman; if you did not had strength in you, you would not have casted your gaze on the woman”.
  • “Sometime it happens that Sins themselves become Blessings for the Sinner. Just like when we learn to walk cautiously after we trample over an objects".
  • Life of the World – its Luxuries, Comfort, Opulence and Riches is a deception. Religiousness is a Truth and will earn you an Eternal Reward. You will be tested in this World in various ways and will be tempted to leave the path of Religion. Remain steadfast to the Right path of Religion and ignore the Worldly deceptions.


Akhbaar: Misaaq-e-Jadeed
The Ceremony of 'Ahd-e-Imaam iz-Zamaan (as)

20th Rajab ul Murajjab 1446, 19/1/2025, Sunday saw a deluge of mumineen-muminaat at Daar us Salaam, the maqaam e shareef of Da'i uz Zamaan TUS, where 17 farzando-dukhtaro came to offer 'Ahd e Imaam uz Zamaan AS on the mubaarak hands of his hujjat and Naa'ib Saiyedna Dr. Haatim Zakiyuddin saheb TUS. This oath of allegiance is necessary to balance the cycle of life and death. The dot of life or a point of light originating from Imaam uz Zamaan AS is induced into the neo-mu'min who will start his lifetime journey of Faith, Actions, Patience, Truth, Justice and Contentment by strictly following the commands-Faraamin of Da'i uz Zamaan TUS.

  Urs Mubaarak - Death Anniversary - 39th Da'i-e-Mutlaq
Saiyedna Mufeeduddin Najmuddin saheb (QR)
6-7-1446 (Vadodara)

Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS reflected this Kalaam e Nabawi in his pur-hikmat bayaan that, "Our Muqaddas Maulaa was like a shining star of guidance and one of the Da'i of the Nooraani heavens of Du'aat e Mutlaqeen AQ. When Maulaa came on the 'Arsh and masnad of Da'wat e Shareefah then he mentored mumineen in strengthening the Alavi principles and guided them to lead the simplest way of life. O Mumineen! True believers face hard challenges and there were many who doubted our Imaamat. But each and every time our Imaam became Mufeed-best educator to make the disbeliever feel and accept the sanctity and truthfulness of Imaamat."

'Umrah Mufradah and Misr Mubaarak
3-22 Rajab ul-Murajjab 1446 AH

The Land of Cairo, Misr is the land of A'immat e Faatemiyeen where one upon a time, Faatemi Imaams were Emporers and had their glorious empire for 2 centuries.  Mumineen filled with devotion can still to this day, roam freely in the streets, Masjids and Jawaame’ of Misr and can feel from the Maqaamaat of Imaams the fragrance of Jannah.

This land is so far the most unexplored land for the mumineen due to which their was too much curiosity around to know about the beauty created by our Faatemi Imaams. Mumineen were sure that coming to Cairo was one of their best decisions and would never forget this majestic Cairo.

Generally the places covered included, Masjid-e-Imaam Husain AS, Ra’s ul-Husain AS, Baab ul-Faradees, Jaame’ al-Azhar, Jaame’ al-Aqmar, al-Mo'izziyah Street, Jaame’ al-Anwar, Baab ul-Futooh, Baab un-Nasr, Jaame’ Ahmad-ibn-Tuloon, Jaame’ al-Ateeq, Jaame’ al-Juyooshi, Mashhad e M. Mohammad ibn Abi Bakr AS, Qabr-e-Saiyedna Badr al-Jamaali RA, Jaame’ Lulua and Qabr-e- M. Maalik e Ashtar AS.


Masarraat of Nikaah-khwaani, 'Ahd and Sehra
2-3 Jumaadi Ulaa 1446/3-4 Nov 2024

Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS said in his pur-hikmat Kalaam:

  • Misaaq is related to Soul and Action is related to Body.  Purification of soul is more important than body.
  • The Maalik of this Da'wat is Allaah Ta'aala.  We are His Ghulaam.  We cannot act as per our free will.
  • Sehra is the precursor of Nikaah.  Making a child like Dulha kindles the hope and happiness of his parents to witness his Nikaah.
  • Nikaah opens a new horizon of Ikhlaas, Mahabbat, Khidmat, Ibaadat for Dulha-Dulhan with the pure intention of respecting each other and giving ample space and opportunity to grow and progress in every aspect.


67th Milaad-e-Haatemi of Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb (tus)
8th Rabi' ul-Awwal 1446 AH/11-09-2024, Wednesday

Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS addressed mumineen in Nooraani masjid with this kalaam e mufeed, "O Mumineen! With this milaad we are celebrating the milaad of the Ashaab of every Ruhaani darajaat.  With every passing year on our birthday we are tieing a knot in the rope of our life and promising ourselves that we will help and improve each other in becoming a good human-being. 


Akhbaar - Daar us Salaam
Nature Walk
22 Moharram 1446/ 28 July 2024

The following points were covered during the walk:

  1. There are specific type of insects which help in the transformation of flowers to fruits means pollination in specific plants.
  2. Termites play an essential rule for the life and ecosystem of the Jungle.
  3. Fragrant flowers are mostly white and they bloom usually during summer. 
  4. Worms, ants and microorganisms make the soil fertile.
  5. Medicinal plants must be used in proper proportion, time and through proper medium
  6. Monsoon is the best time for cutting, relocating, repotting and duplicating the plants. 
  7. The plant of gooseberry (amla) is very beneficial and precious.


  Urs Mubaarak - 35th Da'i ul Mutlaq
Saiyedna Nooruddin Noorbhai bin Saiyedi Shaikhali (QR)
20th Moharram 1446, Surat

"O Mumineen!  The radiance of the Noor of Muqaddas Maulaa is evidently shining on all of your faces.  It's not that you yourselves came for the Urs but Maulaa have brought you by his ta'eed.  Maulaa's Noor creates a magnetic force that always attracts pure-hearted noble mumineen whose soul and mind are treasured with this Noor.  I will keep this Noor illuminated in your hearts.  This mubaarak place is the precious wiraasat of our Maulaa.  By the razaa of my Maulaa and in my presence when mumineen gather in Rawzah Shareefah on the day of Urs, many take wasilah, nazar, mannat for Rozi, makaan and awlaad and do wholeheartedly Du'aa for the progress of our community."


Moharram ul Haraam 1446 AH

Our Husaini majlis is Qur'anic majlis.  Each and every word reflects the light of Qur'anic aayats.  After 150 years, by the farmaan of Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS, the face and the place of the Moharram majlis got its new identity and it got transferred to the Qiblah of Masjid e Nooraani.  Every change is for good things that is felt only by the passage of time.  Patience is the key to accept changes.  Mumineen-Muminaat in these limited Husaini days should live full life based on Husaini Seerat and paak habits.


Akhbaar - NDT Ra’s ul Hudood Dr Zulqarnain Hakeemuddin DM
Deeni Safar to USA
Shawwaal & Zul Qa'adah 1445 - May 2024

It was for the first time in Alavi history that on 27th April 2024 – 19th Shawwal ul Mukarram 1445, Saturday; Ahd e Imaam uz Zamaan – Misaaq was held on the soil of the USA in the name of 21st Faatemi Imaam Maulaana Taiyeb SA and his Naa’ib 45th Da’i al-Alavi al-Faatemi Saiyedna Haatim Zakiyuddin Saheb TUS in Denver. It was a historic and memorable day for the Durgawala family settled in Denver for the past 2 decades to witness the Ahd e Imaam uz Zamaan at their home in the presence of Saheb e Da’wat.

Alavi Mumineen of the USA esp. the east coast have decided to plan a visit of Huzoor e ‘Aali TUS to the USA in the future because looking at the present scenario of the Mumineen esp. students settling down in different countries for education; it is the need to time to tie them to our roots and preserve our culture and deeni principles-values.

  Urs Mubaarak - 29th Da'i ul Mutlaq Shaheed e Aa'zam
Saiyedna 'Ali Shamsuddin bin Saiyedi Ibrahim (QR)

Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS explained the word "Salaam” that bears a great importance as per our Taiyebi principles.  "Salaam" is the beautiful attribute of Allaah Ta'aala and His Wali on this earth.  Every Nabi, Wasi, Imaam or his representatives Du'aat carries the attribute of Salaam with them.  The name of M. Ali AS is Daar us Salaam, means the House of Peace and that is Jannat-paradise.  Allaah Ta'aala orders His wali to call people towards Daar us Salaam.  All the Imaams of Aal e Ali are the owners of Daar us Salaam. The Da'wat-divine call in which we believe is the Da'wat of this Daar us Salaam."


32nd Da'i ul Mutlaq - 10th Zul Qa'adah 1445
Saiyedna Ziyauddin Jivabhai bin Saiyedi Nuhji saheb (QR)

Focusing on the migration of Muqaddas Maulaa from Ahmedabad to Vadodara in 1110 AH, Aqaa Maulaa TUS addressed Mumineen in the majlis of Behram that, "In the entire Islamic history, Prophets-Awliyaa-Du'aat migrated from one place to another due to attacks or oppression from the enemies, political holdings or realignment, search for better livelihood, safety of Da'wat affairs as well as believers.  When we talk about this the best example that comes to our mind is the migration of Rasoolullaah SAWS from Makkah to Madinah.  Then comes the migration of Kufah, Salamiyah, Mehdiyah, Cairo, Yemen and Western India.  The city of Vadodara has continuously remained Daar ul Hijrat for our Du'aat since 335 long years.  Till now no other single place has got this unique status and distinction.  It is the Aal e Athar of Saiyedi Noohji that its 13 Du'aat has put up their strong efforts in protecting the standards of our small close-knit community."

  Shahrullaah il-Mo'azzam 1445 AH

Shahrullaah il Mo'azzam, as the name itself gives us the hint that, it is the great month of Allaah Ta'aala. Its Qur'anic name is Ramazaan, which is made up of 5 Arabic letters viz. Raa, Meem, Daad, Alif and Noon.  Each one of them carries with it,

  • Raa-Rahmat (grace),
  • Meem-Maghferat (pardon),
  • Daad-Zamaanat (surety),
  • Alif-Ajar (reward) and
  • Noon-Ne'mat (bounty).

We can sum up all these 5 things in this way, In this holy month of Ramazaan if a person wants to get grace from Allaah Ta'aala then he should seek forgiveness with a pure heart and action. This is enough to get surety for the reward and eternal bounty in the form of paradise.


Two most delighting exercises: Nurturing Self and Caring for Nature
Daar us Salaam 9th Sha'baan 1445 AH/18-02-2024

VCC members have always emphasized that Cycling should be coupled with Nature loving and environment friendly activities.  With every cycling expedition members have learned and practiced the graceful behaviour with everyone having mutual benefits and gratitude.  In the month of Feb 2024, VCC admins zeroed in the most awaited place Daar us Salaam, which mirrors the dedication and passion behind the necessity of home-grown veggies at the residence of Saiyedna saheb TUS amid the dangerous effects of pesticide-driven grocery available in markets.

Fakhri Mohalla Heritage Walk
02-08-1445 AH/11-02-2024 AD

It was during the 1699 AD that the Alavis migrated to Baroda from Ahmedabad. The 28th, 29th and 30th Da’i al-Mutlaq were all born in Baroda, in the Fakhri Mohalla near Gendigate. This Mohalla also houses several Alavi Bohra families. During the time when the Gujarat Sultanate ruler Muzaffar Shah III (around 1570s) ruled Gujarat, Saiyedi Musanji bin Taaj Saheb of Vadodara went on pilgrimage to Hajj and promised (mannat) to build a mosque if he would return to Baroda safe and sound. Which he fortunately did.

The walkers entered the mosque premises with the Royal family members and other local associates who had arranged Alavi Bohra dinner Thaal for us in the nearby Taaj Hall. We were spellbound to witness the splendor of 450 yrs old mosque, its majestic mehrabs, pillars, glass frames, Qur'anic verses engraved on marble, a nicely shaped central qiblah where a designated person leads daily prayers.

  Akhbaar: Madrasah Taiyebiyah
"The Best Learning is that Leads to Paradise": Madrasah Students at Daar us Salaam Educational Trip
25 Rajab 1445/4 Feb 2024

Mukaasir Maulaa said, "O Talebat! Every Nabi loved plants and did farming. Our last Nabi Mohammad al-Mustafaa SAWS had a deep relation with Nakheel-date palms as he himself planted many in Madinah. In Madinah, Cairo, Yemen, Ahmedabad and Vadodara, the places where our Mawaali e Taahereen AS stayed, no building was complete but with the green space around it. Our Du'aat e Kiraam RA used to maintain large beautiful gardens where Mumineen can feel the jannati breeze and imagine jannati ne'maat. 42nd Da'i e Mutlaq Saiyedna Fidaali Badruddin saheb AQ was the last Da'i who himself managed the garden besides our Qabarastaan, Pratapnagar."

  'Urs Mubaarak - Mazaar e Yusufi - VADODARA
44th Da'i ul-Mutlaq Saiyedna
Taiyeb Ziyauddin saheb bin S. Nuruddin saheb (QR)

Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS addressed Mumineen during the Majlis of Shab e 'Urs of 44th Da'i e Mutlaq Saiyedna Abu Haatim Taiyeb Ziyauddin saheb AQ and said the following:

  • Muqaddas Maulaa Saiyedna Taiyeb Ziyauddin saheb AQ is the Pioneer of modern education of our Alavi community.
  • He championed for the use of different languages meant for communicating with people from different cultures.
  • The quantum of Mumineen remains the same, but what changes is the bodies and time.
  • The Noor and Fayz that flows from Allaah Ta'aala into every atom of a mu'min is constant. Our faces replicates and reminds the noble characteristics of our forefathers.


Hikmat -Wisdom
Building a Jannati House: With 7 steps and 10 pillars

This radiant building is more precious and prime than all other buildings in the world. This building is outstanding due to it being heavenly blessed and the Barakaat of Ambiyaa AS who did tawaaf for Tawbah and Maghferat for several thousand years. This  six faced cube structure is a means of Du'aa and prayers for the worldly people. For everyone of us this worldly life is approaching towards its end and is going to vanish one day but the Hereafter is meant for building, developing and prospering in an everlasting life. But this could be possible only if we build our physical worldly life full of devotion and sincerity.  Every individual establishes his house on this land for his livelihood. That house then becomes a mark of his identity and a symbol of peace and contentment for his family.  A house is made only once in an individual’s lifetime, therefore he puts best efforts and does excellent arrangements for its architecture and beautification.

Kun fa-Yakoon 3 Tour: 20-04-1445
Ra's ul Hudood saheb

Ziyaaraat of Karbalaa-Najaf
  Rasoolullaah SAWS has said "Karbalaa is the piece of land of Paradise". Hence Ziyaarat of Karbalaa is not merely doing Ziyaarat but a feeling that one had landed on the land of Jannat. Ra’s ul Hudood saheb among the Mumineen added that doing Ziyaarat of Karbalaa is doing the Ziyaarat of Khamsat ul Athaar AS because Rasoolullaah SAWS has said that, “Whoever does my Ziyaarat after my death is like the one who met me during my lifetime.” He added the Hadees of Rasoolullaah SAWS that, "Whoever went to Makkah and did not visit Madeenah has indeed done injustice to me". The same stands true for the Ziyaarat of Karbalaa and Najaf. 

Buzurgaan e 'Alaviyeen (Alavi Senior Citizens conclave)
Venue: Moti Farm
Organized by: Baroda Cyclopedians Ladies' Wing - 17/12/2023
As everyone of us knows this famous quote, "Old is Gold".  So let’s put these words into practicality by giving our Elders their place of respect and importance.  When we browse through the Qur'anic verses we come across the word "Ihsaan" often used to explain the role of our senior family members and their sacrifices.  Ihsaan here means, we should be polite with our elders (parents), give them due respect, ask or consult them, make them feel special, allow them to do things with which they find comfort.  Rasoolullaah SAWS said, "Barakat (blessings) is with your elders".  That house lacks great blessings which is without elders.  Intelligent and caring elders become a binding force and healing solution for various relationships among family members.


Six Doctors for a Healthy and Fulfilling Life

In today's fast-paced world, the pursuit of health and fitness has become a cornerstone of modern living. Influencers on social media platforms ardently advocate for various forms of exercise, nutrition, and holistic wellness. It's a remarkable shift in awareness, often drawing comparisons to religious practices. Many express the sentiment that if only their religious teachings had been emphasized by their leaders then the world would have become a better place to live with manageable age-related ailments and reduced medical consultation.

45 Years of Literary Khidmaat of 45th Da'i e Mutlaq receiving the Honour in 1445 AH of
Doctorate in Islamic Studies and Research
17 Rabi' ul Awwal 1445/01 Oct 2023
Arabic Language - العربية باللغة
Alavi Bohra Community witnessed a Historic Event today at al Masjid an Nooraani where the 45th Spiritual Head of the Alavi Bohra Community Saiyedna Haatim Zakiyuddin Saheb TUS was conferred an Honorary Doctorate for the research and studies on Islamic subjects specially on Shi'i Isma'ili literary works from al-Mustafaa International University. Indian representative of Iranian Spiritual Leader Aghaa Mahdi Mahdawipur saheb and Indian representative of al-Mustafaa International University Aghaa Ali Shaakeri saheb graced the event. They invited Aqaa Maulaa TUS to visit Iran and assured to arrange a private audience with the Supreme religious leader of Iran along with the high Dignitaries of the educational field.

  Akhbaar: Madrasah Taiyebiyah
Prize Distribution, Projects on Waaqe'ah Karbalaa and Tazyeen of Names
11/2/1445 - 27 Aug 2023

Huzoor e ’Aali TUS graced the occasion and emphasized on the importance of Seeking Knowledge. Future of our Community is dependent upon the Education of our Youth.  It is the responsibility of the parents to look after the Deeni progress of their children.  Ustaaz sahebs of Madrasah will surely exercise their duty in imparting necessary ta’leem, but it is upon the parents to support Madrasah activities.  Parents should set the target to make their children aware of all the primary information of our Taiyebi Faith before their Bay’at e Imaam uz Zamaan AS.

  Akhbaar: Iraqi and Yamani Scholar
al-Karbalaai and al-Hamdaani meets Huzoor-e-'Aali Saiyedna saheb (tus)
4 Safar 1445/20 Aug 2023

Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS always reiterates in his bayaan that, "O Mumineen! Stick to your Roots.  Today, what we are is because of our holy roots of Da'wat e Haadiyah that nourishes us for spiritual progress and prepares us against all odds and difficulties.  Originally our tongue is Arabic.  Our books, our thoughts and our lifestyle is not something far from ancient Arab Culture.  Many have forgotten it but we have retained it and surely will make it more practicable and acceptable to our children of Digital Era.  Due to our preparedness and cohesive approach, world scholars are coming forward to study our community where Modernity meets Traditionality."

Prof Dr Hayder Karbalaai, Head of Post Graduate Studies of Human Sciences at Karbalaa University and Advisor to the Karbalaa Center of Studies and Research - A Brief Report



Maulaana Imaam Husain AS: The Saviour of True Faith and the "Mohammad" of Karbalaa

The only hope of the pagan and uncultured world getting on the right track of civilized society was in Islam, but with Yazid on the usurped throne declaring disbelief in the bonafide apostleship of Mohammad Mustafaa SAWS and the Holy Qur'an being the revealed Word of Allaah Ta’aala, all hopes of the redemption of humanity from the abyss of material degradation and the lack of the truth about the real Creator of the Universe and the position and the commitment of man in it, were at stake.  On the hands of deceitful Yazid, the sanctity and Merits of Islam were going to be compromised and tainted with the fact that Maulaana Imaam Husain AS was holding the sublime responsibility of Imaamat in Madinah and Imaam was fully aware Yazid's venomous and malicious schemes against the spiritual authority of Ahl ul Bayt AS.

Imaam Husain was fully conscious of the heavenly objective of his very advent in the world being nothing but to meet this situation and to rescue Islam, Allaah's revealed faith and to elevate humankind to the glorious heights of the heavenly bliss. Husain knew the divine task of safeguarding the glory of Ahl ul Bayt AS assigned to him. He lived all these days in waiting for the hour to act as per his commitment to his grandfather. He also knew when to respond to the call from the people.

Cyber Crime - Awareness and Prevention Talk
18-6-2023/30 Zul Qa'adah 1444 AH

Mukaasir Maulaa said that, "With Social Media encroaching every personal spaces of our lives, there is an urgent need for all of us to be highly cautious and careful. Fame, greed, lust and opportunistic approach has captured our minds. This leads to fraud, scam, extortion and disloyalty. Every age-group is affected by this. Easy internet connectivity, habit of online shopping and banking, keeping trust on strangers and giving them important personal details add to this woe."

Kitaab ul Wasaaya  

Da'wat-e-Haadiyah Publication
Kitaab ul Wasaaya: The Book of Moral Teachings
Keeping secrecy is one of the main prerequisite of Imaamat

Imaam Ja'far us Saadiq SA addressed to some of his Shi'a and said, 'Keep our secret hidden and do not publicize it because, indeed, Allaah will honor him in this World and the Hereafter who keeps our secret hidden and doesn't divulge it.' Allaah will humiliate him in this World and the Hereafter who discloses our secret and He will take away the Light (Noor) from his eyes.

My father Imaam Mohammad ul Baaqir SA used to say, "Dissimulation (keeping one's beliefs and faith secret from undeserving people during the time of threat or fear) is my Religion and the Religion of my forefathers, and the one who doesn't practice Dissimulation has no Religion." Undoubtedly, Allaah wishes to be served in secret in the same way that he wants it to be in public. Secrecy is more desirable than publicity.  One who discloses our affairs is like him who disowns us.


Hunaidi, Hindustani or Hindu? Part-3
Unveiling of distorted and unauthentic accounts of Isma’ili-‘Alavi history in Gujarat

During the era of Maulaana Aadam Safiyullaah and Maulaana Nooh Najiyullaah the vast Indian land did not have the evil custom of Makhlooq-parasti or the act of worshipping things created by Allaah Ta'aala. Intelligent and wise people were residing on this land who were knowing the demarcating line between the Creator and the Creation. Many folks of different ethical and cultural background came to this holy land of prosperous Hindustaan for the purpose of trading and business through famous and safe sea routes.

Gradually their localities and societies were established where temples were constructed and eventually by gaining local support and maintaining good social relations they brought about changes in the traditional Indian culture and likewise they adopted Indian social practices. In this way an innovative mutual social system was mooted for future generations.


Akhbaar - Flag Hoisting Ceremony
74th Republic Day 2023
Taiyebi Masjid, Ajwa Road & Badri Masjid, Mumbai

Siqat ud Da'wat il 'Alaviyah Mukaasir Maulaa Saiyedi Mohammad Nuruddin saheb DM presided the Flag Hoisting event at the 74th Republic Day, 26th Jan 2023, Thursday at Taiyebi Masjid, Ajwa Road, Vadodara. Baroda Cyclopedians organized this program where along with Mumineen, Madrasah Taiyebiyah students too participated.

Mukaasir Maulaa said that, "India is our Mother-land. Its flag is our recognition in the World. We must respect it and sacrifice everything possible for its Dignity and Progress.  Our Nation, India is multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-ethnic pluralistic society.  Being children of a Great Unique Nation, we all are brothers and sisters related with the strong bond of multi-dimensional Indian Constitution.  We, the people of India enjoy all the rights and adhere to all the responsibilities meant for the National interest and integrity.  Our place of birth will remain our place of livelihood."

  Akhbaar - Mulaaqaat e Mufeedah for Shi'i Learning
Aqaa Maulaa TUS meets as-Saiyed Mehdi Mehdavipur saheb
22 Jumaadi ul Ukhraa 1444/14 Jan 2023

He is completely aware of the fact that Aqaa Maulaa holds the distinction of the Final Authority in the literary world of Shi'i-Isma'ili-Taiyebi studies.  His aim of having one-to-one meeting with Aqaa Maulaa is to take concrete steps in strengthening the bilateral literary relations between the Iranian scholars and the works of our Du'aat e Kiraam AQ.  Aqaa Maulaa requested him to focus on the unique works of Saiyedna Qaazi No'maan saheb (355 AH/966 AD) of Egypt and Saiyedna Haatim Mohiyuddin saheb (570 AH/1175 AD) of Yemen.  Both Da'is did great efforts in subduing anti-Shi'i propaganda and in establishing firmly the harmonious atmosphere of the Shi'i-Isma'ili principles for Tawheed and Imaamat.


Edinburgh University Press
A Neo-Fatimid Treasury of Books
Arabic MSS among the Alavi Bohras of South-Asia

Olly Akkerman

This book tells the story of a manuscript repository found all over the pre-modern Muslim world: the Khizaanat ul-Kutub, or treasury of books. The focus is on the undisclosed Arabic manuscript culture of a small but vibrant South Asian Shi’i Muslim community, the Alavi Bohras of Taiyebi branch of Isma'ilis having Yemen as the work-force and energy-house for literary activities. It looks at how books that were once part of one of the biggest imperial book repositories of the medieval Muslim world, the Khizaanah of the Fatimids of North Africa and Egypt (909CE-1171CE) ended up having a rich social life among the Bohras across the Western Indian Ocean, starting in Yemen and ending in Gujarat.

As it is perceived for other Bohra sects that their Khizaanah has remained unread or untouched for years together, it's not the case with Alavi Bohras.  Reading, Copying, Transmitting and Assimilating of manuscripts is a common tradition of a Da'i.  As per the mental capabilities of his believers-mumineen, Da'i always try to make them understand the intricacies and depth of Shari'ah espoused by the holy texts of these unique manuscripts. 

Laabh Paancham - The Perspective of "5"
Our Du'aat e Kiraam RA said, "Respect and love the people of the land where Allaah Ta'aala has bestowed upon you His rizq and sustenance."  In India we live in between non-Muslims.  And hence its our social liability to stay together and willfully share our feelings and greetings in their festivities.  A peaceful nation could only stand firm against every odds through pluralistic approach and prismic vision. Festival of Deepawali and it's celebration continues for several days and every single day has it's own significance. There are characteristic names of days observed for auspiciousness before and after Diwali. A day after night of Diwali is a new year day followed by bhaidooj, third, fourth and the fifth day of Laabh Paancham -the fifth day of Goodness and Benefits.

Mukaasir Maulaa at Dars-e-Haatemi  

500th Dars-e-Haatemi at Daar us Salaam
1 Safar 1444 AH/28 August 2022 AD, Sunday

Dars e Haatemi is a small part of this endeavour.  Aqaa Maulaa TUS always thought to make every Mumineen to become a part of this vast treasure of Ilm e Haqq.  Before the commencement of this Dars, being Ma'zoon e Mutlaq, Aqaa Maulaa TUS conducted many such ilmi Duroos in Nooraani masjid.  Maulaa granted Razaa to Mukaasir Maulaa DM to hold such dars-assemblies of Mumineen to make the understanding of our Deen more easy and accessible.  Dars e Haatemi started on 4th Safar 1429/10th Feb 2008 at Nooraani Masjid.  This is till date a weekly Dars and this year it has reached its 500th ilmi gathering.  In 1438/2016 it got transferred for a year to Musanji masjid, Fakhri Mohalla.


Akhbaar- Madrasah Taiyebiyah
Mulaaqaat e Mufeedah of Madrasah Teachers with Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb (tus)
11-11-1443 AH/10 June 2022 AD

Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS fondly remembered his days in the Madrasah when he took special classes of grown-up students nearing to the age of Bay'at.  Maulaa vividly explained the method of teaching at that time.  Those students are now parents and they cherish those years when Aqaa Maulaa being on the darajah of Ma'zoon, still gave such dars o ta'leem that is hard to forget.  He further elaborated to the defects and flaws of the present mu'allims in teaching pattern, weakness in adopting innovative techniques, reluctance in building rapport with the students and their parents, negligence in imparting the basic ma'lumaat for faazil days and nights etc.


Akhbaar- Sports Activities
Alavi Women Badminton Tournament
22-5-2022 - Waghodia Sports Complex

Baroda Cyclopaedians as a community group have successfully organized various events driving societal change.  In recent years they have organized Alavi Cyclothon 2020, Alavi Cricket Premier league 2021 (ACPL) and now Alavi Women Badminton Tournament 2022 (AWBT).  Its motto is for physical and mental fitness along with motivation and involvement in sports and related activities.  This tournament is organized to promote sports in Alavi Women, bring out their hidden talents, encourage and empower them for the future yet to come.


  Akhbaar - at-Taiyebaat
Alavi Bohras Special Traditional Recipe Competition - KHARAAS RECIPE

Kharaas is always coupled with Mithaas.  It is made from vegetables, mutton, chicken or fish.  Served in a single plate or pieces that suffice all of the invitees sitting in the thaal.  As it is salty/oily in nature, care is taken that its quantity does not exceed the need.  Chicken dishes are favourite and evergreen.  It could be prepared with variety of combinations and taste.  As it is easily available and the ease in its making puts it on the top charts. Mithaas-Kharaas are the two inseparable sides of a single coin of Maa’edat e Aal e Mohammad (sa).  Likewise the beautiful coin of the Zindagi e Mu’min has two sides of Ghami-Khushi.  The moment of celebration is coupled with the moment of sadness.  Both are important and good to face and bear with gratitude and solidarity.

1. Husain Day Webinar - Message of Humanity - 23-09-2021

2. A Neo-Fatimid Treasury of Books: Arabic Manuscripts among the Alavi Bohras of Baroda - 30-9-2021



Alavi Bohra Women - Towards Liberty and Progress

Each woman has to play several roles during her lifetime. It includes the role of a daughter, sister, wife, mother, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law and so on. Allaah Ta'aala has blessed every woman with innate strengths such as patience, compassion, multitasking, humility, creativity, optimism etc.  Family is protected by the outwardly intellectual strength of business and livelihood of Father and by the inwardly emotional strength of relations and home-making of Mother.  Imbalance in this creates discord and disturbances in a family.

In one of his bayaan, Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS said that, “Till now we were following a tradition and has become a social norm that in order to get engaged a proposal is sent from a boy (dikro) side to a prospective girl (dikri)."


Parliament of the World's Religions

Raasulhudood Dr Zulqarnain Hakeemuddin Saheb ZI had a privilege to attend an interfaith meet and dialogue of various religious leaders organized jointly by, The Convent of Jesus and Mary School and The Parliament of World Religions on the occasion of 75th Independence Day.  Leaders of the respective religious sects shared their ideas and importance of Independence Day for our Country.  Representing Alavi Bohra Community, Raasulhudood Saheb highlighted the difference between Independence and Freedom. 


History: 4th Da'i ul Mutlaq
Saiyedna 'Ali bin Saiyedna Haatim al-Haamedi (QR)
25 Zul Qa’adah 605 AH (Sana'a) – 30/5/1209 AD

Most distinguished work during the period of his Da’wat was to resolve the internal conflicts among the different groups and tribes of mumineen. He urged them to forget their generational pride and arrogance and lead life in the Khidmat of Da’wat and conform to the path of Allaah. Elevating the mumineen from the worldly matter and guiding them towards their destiny was an unparalleled task which Saiyedna ‘Ali (aq) successfully executed though he faced many challenges and difficulties.

In the last days of his life Saiyedna ‘Ali (aq) called his Hudood and companions in the Fort of Zamarmar and did Nass-e-Jali and appointed Saiyedna ‘Ali bin Mohammad al-Waleed (aq) as the 5th Da’i ul-Mutlaq after him. After his death, his body was brought to Sana’a city in a palanquin (palkhee). There is also an account stating that Saiyedna ‘Ali (aq) was martyred by poisoning him.

Shining Stars
  • Zainab Haashimali Vohra (Nadiadwala)
  • Lokhandwala Alefiyah Shamsuddin


Our Population
Our Jamaa'at Population - What was, What is and What should be? The Onus lies in our Hands

We faithfully recollect our Muqaddas Maulaa’s wise words pertaining to this worrying trend, “Previously houses were smaller in size but members were large in number,  still there was support, love and Barakat in the house. But in the present situation, houses are large in size with too many rooms but members are few to occupy it. Too many walls in the house acts like barriers in the hearts of the family members. Only namesake love prevails and there is no trace of Mahabbat-o-Barakat in the house. This is a reality of revolution with decaying family values.”

  Tasbeeh with Transliteration, Translation and Unserstanding
DU'AA-o-Kashf il-Karb

If Allaah Ta'aala were to afflict you, there is no one who could stop the affliction but He, and if He were to bestow upon you some favour, He has power to do all that He wills.  We have revealed through the Qur’an for the believers what is the best for them as far as Wellness and Mercy is concerned.  There is no being but has a guardian over it.  We have adorned the lowest heaven with the beauty of the stars and have guarded it against all rebellious demons.  If the disbelievers turn away and don't heed to the advice then tell them, Sufficient for me is Allaah Ta'aala.  There is no God but He.  In Him do I put my Trust.  He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.

Green Award Winner 2019 - Garden of Daar us Salaam
Divya Bhaskar (Vadodara) - 4/4/1441 - 1/12/2019

On this Mubaarak day 4th Rabi' ul Aakhar 1441 AH/1st December 2019 AD, the 917th Saalgirah of Imaam uz Zamaan AS Imaam Taiyeb AS and 91th Milaad of al-Maulaa al-Muqaddas Saiyedna Taiyeb Ziyauddin saheb AQ, the Beautiful Garden of the Residence of Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS "Daar us Salaam" has been conferred the best Garden of Vadodara under the title "Green Awards".  Plants of great numbers of Fruits, Vegetables, Medicinal Plants have been grown in the city area. Involvement of the owner of the garden, zero use of pesticides, home-made manure and cleanliness were the main criteria of judging the best garden.

Life Inside Out - A Spiritual Overview
College going Saalehaat - Daar us Salaam 25-10-2019

After Maghrib Namaaz and Misaaq, Aqaa Maulaa addressed the gathering collectively that, “This is the ‘azeem karam of Allaah Ta’aala that mumineen are spending wholeheartedly in the noble cause for the Didaar and Arkaan of these Maqaamaat e Muqaddasaat.  Otherwise, people lavishly spend lots of money for outings and exploring new tourist destinations only for worldly pleasure and to get some break from their routine work.  But before getting indulged in such a huge expenditure, mumineen should first think of something that gives them spiritual boost by undertaking blissful and soulful journey.  This is called wise spending.   Spiritual gain is far more long-lasting than physical comfort as it has a direct relation with the life hereafter.”

  Video Series
The Window to Wisdom

Shari’at, the divine canonical law that powers a Believer to attain ascension in all fields of life, is the path of Purity and Mercy to be treaded only at the hands of Divinely endorsed Authority.  It is this authority that sets the perfect match between knowledge and actions.  Between these two things there comes the intension of a Believer based on the strong faith on Divine Authority appointed by the Holy Progeny of the Divine Prophet.  The Prophet gives full command and rule to his appointed authority-missionary over the entire life of a Believer.  This authoritative person trains and teaches his followers in acquiring the rightful knowledge and the righteous actions based on it.  If this happens then, it is said that, For a Believer his Master has opened a Window of Wisdom. 


Inauguration of Saiyedi Musanji Masjid
23 Sha'baan 1440/28-4-2019

“Since the time immemorial, the mumineen of Jamaa’at ul Haqq are associated with the masjid, where “Haqq na Saheb” offered namaaz along with mumineen and this remained in the centre-stage for building Imaani environment and social progress.  This masjid stands witness to the challenging time of our community when 32nd Da'i ul Mutlaq Saiyedna Ziyauddin saheb (aq) left Ahmedabad and settled in the outskirts of this Vadodara city named “Miya Mehmood Wadi”.  At the entrance of Badri Mohalla, Maulaa built Ziyaai Masjid whose Mehraab and Qiblah were on the same pattern as that of Musanji Masjid.  Before 50 years during the Da’wat of 43rd Da'i ul Mutlaq Saiyedna Y Nuruddin saheb (aq), that Ziyaai Masjid got replaced with the newly built Nooraani Masjid.  But, for this Masjid, each and every thing has been retained and restored while beautifying it with Sang-e-Marmar.”

Aqaa Maulaa reciting Du'aa in the Rawzah Mubaarakah of Saiyedi wa Maulaai Fakhruddin Shaheed saheb (ra) - Galiyakot  

Akhbaar: Memorable Visit of Aqaa Maulaa at the mazaar of
Saiyedi Fakhruddin Shaheed saheb (ra) - 20-21/7/1440

Aqaa Maulaa said that, “You all are my family, my ruhaani farzando.  I am your Waalid and I treat you equally and affectionately so I too expect from you that you all work together for the holy cause of Da’wat and the deeni progress of mumineen.  Unity, understanding and selflessness is the stepping stone to defeat the evil forces and plans.  Truth is with us, with the followers of Ahl ul Bayt (as), their Imaams and Da’is, but the need of time is that we should reveal our truthfulness at right place and time.  A simple way of precise dialogue is enough to uproot and shatter the baseless arguments of bid’ati people.

Lisaan ud Da'wat group went for outing with Mukaasir Maulaa - 6-8-1439

Lisaan ud Da'wat - The Language of the Alavi Spiritual Mission and the most versatile dialect of Alavi Bohras has its interesting history and long journey of expression and development dates back since the Imaamat and Caliphate of Faatemi Imaams in Cairo i.e. 1100 years.  It originated from its mother language Arabic with the help of its supportive languages Urdu and Persian.  Its structural and grammatical formation largely depends on Gujarati language.

Reasoning and Religiosity of Esotericism
Tanzeel-تنزیل or Tafsir-تفسیر (outer meaning or commentary on the Qur’an) is completely based of Ta’weel-تأویل (inner meaning) without which Tanzeel becomes void and meaningless.  The everlasting beautiful outward appearance is from inside and that which could not be seen and could not be understood by everyone.   The belief that each and every Qur’anic verse has both outer and inner meaning as the same is the case with the sayings of Prophet Mohammad which are applicable and acceptable in all times till the last Day of Doom.

Our Community Application "Ahl uz Zikr"

Ahl uz Zikr is an Exclusive Mobile Application of Alavi Bohras. It is available on Google Play Store as well as Apple iTunes Store. By the Razaa of Huzoor e 'Aali TUS it was launched in Shahrullaah 1437 AH. There are 1800 Mumineen users at present. This is a major update after the launch of the Application.

New Features of this Update includes...

  • Exhaustive Collection of Ahaadees
  • Date Converter
  • New User Interface
  • Tasbeeh Counter
  • New Categories of Messages are Classified
  • Mumineen can advertise their Skills, Profession, Home Business etc through the Application

Further Details of the New Features will be updated regularly through the App itself. This is an introductory Video of the New Features. Mumineen should DOWNLOAD our Application now...

In the Past : Wallaaho bekulle shayin Aleem

The succession of the true and blessed Da'wat, which exists on the facade of the earth from the beginning of creation till the Day of Resurrection (Qayaamat) , continues to disengage us from the bodily confinement and personifies our deeds, abiding to the shari'at, and ascends us to the sanctity and sacredness through the path of salvation (najaat). The competent authority of Allaah (Hujjat) is always present on this globe below the skies, either publicly (zaahir) or in the veil (satar, baatin). Allaah Ta'aala says in the Qur'an that, ‘This practice (sunnat) has been continuing from timeless periods and there is no possibility of change or alteration in it; and in every era there is a fiend, infernal and hellish Satan (Shaitaan) against the divine and saintly authority of Allaah (Hujjat).'

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